How Chasing Your Desires is Actually Making Them Harder to Attract

Believe it or not, when it comes to your desires, it’s not all about the chase.

The energy you’re radiating out into the world when you’re on a desperate chase for what you want is unfortunately only working against you.

But isn’t it good to chase after what you want?

If you’re chasing, you may have this energetic feeling, a constant urge to reach out and grab what feels like is just beyond your fingertips, but what you may not have noticed is the huge gray cloud of anxiety hanging over your head. And that cloud is filled with nothing but anxious energy that is stopping you from getting what you truly want. (And maybe a little rain too).

But let’s dig deeper.

To put it simply, you’re scared. You’re scared about finally having that desire served to you on a plate, scared that you don’t deserve it deep down or maybe that life, job or person you’re chasing isn’t meant for you or doesn’t want you back. Perhaps you don’t even feel loved or chosen or wanted. We’ve all been there, and we all know it doesn’t feel great.

And that’s no way to live let alone being ready to receive your dreams.

Think about it, when you go on a first date or meet someone for the first time, you want to put your best foot forward, right? You want to look your best, feel your best and BE your best. So why not dress to impress your desires too?

Chasing sabotages manifestation.

Chasing your desires is living in a full embodiment of lack. It’s an effect of feeling like you don’t have the relationship, that you’re not desired, that you’re not wanted.

And if you’re feeling like this, that means your mind is running rampant with anxieties and worries too. You have to make sure that your thoughts are creating a specific state of living in the wish fulfilled.

The state of Oh, I really want that perfect man in my life, I wish he could be here right now, I need it! is not living in the wish fulfilled. I know, it’s so easy to fall into these ways of thinking but if we continue on with these thoughts, we’re letting the dark anxious cloud win.

I have a special technique to help you step out of that chasing energy, particularly if you’re wanting to pursue a relationship:

I want you to imagine you’re with your beloved 

Imagine that person holding you

Imagine their arms wrapped around you

Imagine their voice: they’re telling you how great you are, how happy they are to have you in their lives, how wonderful this very moment is with you

You’re telling each other how much you love being with each other

You’re feeling that there is nowhere else in the world you’d rather be right now

How do you feel after that? Did that evoke a state for you? Do you feel a little calmer and a little lighter? Wasn’t that nice? Feeling like you’re wanted, feeling okay, and hopefully feeling like you don’t have to chase that feeling anymore because 

Now you know that feeling already exists within you.

So what are you chasing? 

I want you to use the technique I shared above and any other techniques you find most impactful to get to that inner experience of knowing that whatever you’re after is directly on its way to YOU.

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