I used to be terrified that I wouldn’t find love or have a family of my own

My Story

In 2019, newly broken-up and 39 years old, I walked to my neighborhood coffee shop in Austin, Texas.

On that day, I sat at a community table across from a mother and her adorable baby girl, probably 9 months old.

And the panic started to set in. 😟

“Oh my god, did I just ruin my chances of getting married and having a baby?!”

At that moment, the grief was so strong I had to get up from the table and leave the cafe. Tears were streaming down my face.

I couldn’t hold back the heartbreak and fear that I may never find love or have a family of my own.

At this time in my life, I was already a seasoned manifestor but honestly, I was out of practice. Until I remembered something crucial on my walk home…

“Shelly, YOU are the one who chooses the story of your life. You and ONLY YOU. If you want to get married and have a baby, you can do that. But you have to start believing in THAT story if you want it to come true.”

This was the “ah-ha moment” that I needed. It changed the entire trajectory of my life.

In the days, months and years that followed, I committed to manifesting the outcome I DESIRED.
I stayed true to the inner vision of my heart.

And 4 years later, here I am…

Married to my incredible husband, living in our dream home with our beautiful baby girl.

I now have the love and family I always wanted. Not to mention the home, friends, purpose, health and wealth to go along with it.

And I’m here, today, to share all of this with you because I want you to REMEMBER the power you have to create your dream life, too.

this is what manifesting is.

It’s relentlessly claiming the outcome your heart deeply desires.

It’s committing to the inner vision YOU know is meant for you.

I believe you landed on this page for a reason… Perhaps it’s to remember that YOU are one who gets to create the love story of your life.

If you’re ready to commit to the outcomes you want so badly…. Then I am ready to show you exactly how to make those dreams come true.

Get Started Now By Downloading Your


Here’s what I believe about Manifesting

(AND some of it may surprise you)…

I Believe...

Manifesting is an adventure of self-discovery, not just a collection of tips, tricks and buzzwords (*ahem* you’ll never hear me say the word “vibration,” promise). Manifestation is an ongoing practice of self love and self realization.

I Believe...

You have the power to live as the end result, to consciously choose your story and to embody the version of yourself that already has your deepest desires. Because there is only one job in manifesting: Become the person who has your desires now.

I Believe...

In the transformative simplicity of manifesting – it’s about embracing a lifestyle where your thoughts, feelings and beliefs are grounded in being the person you most want to be.


In my world...

manifesting isn’t just about “like attracting like” a la The Law of Attraction. It’s less about attracting your desires to you and more about you becoming the next version of yourself because everything is created from who you are being.

When we manifest together, it isn’t just about “doing the right techniques” – it’s about realizing your full potential as a human.

It’s also about shining a light on your inner magnificence and unfolding as the most authentic version of yourself.

My style of manifestation is less ego-based and masculine.

You know, the whole “get your stuff NOW just by mindlessly repeating affirmations” approach (yuck)

It’s more about feeling a new way in your body. It’s about creating a new identity through deep, imaginal practices.

It’s softer, grounded, feminine and loving.

Now, before we dig into manifestation and how it can help you

relentlessly claim the desires of your heart…

Let’s double check to make sure you’re in the right place.

So give me a quick head nod if you any of this speaks to you:

  • tick-inside-circle

    Maybe you feel like you’re not healed enough and you’re worried you’ll attract a new partner who could trigger old wounds.

  • tick-inside-circle

    Maybe you don’t feel fully worthy (yet) of your desires and you struggle to receive love from others.

  • tick-inside-circle

    Maybe you feel like “waiting” for your ______ (fill-in-the-blank with your manifestation) has paused your actual life – like you’re stuck in limbo.

  • tick-inside-circle

    Maybe you often overthink and feel unclear about what you’re seeking.

  • tick-inside-circle

    Maybe you’ve let go of your standards, in the past, and accepted less than what you really want.

  • tick-inside-circle

    Maybe you’ve tried to make the wrong relationships work until you end up feeling empty inside.

  • tick-inside-circle

    Maybe you often struggle to let go and “feel” the manifestation

Since you’re still with me, I know you’re most likely a warm-hearted, playful spirit with an affinity for adventure and fun.

Maybe your creative mind is curious, and learning about manifestation lights you up.

Maybe you’re on a journey of rediscovering yourself and remembering what you’re passionate about. And you’re dedicated to being the best version of yourself.

Maybe you’re striving to make your dreams come true, but you’re having a difficult time with relationships and love.

Well, my friend, you’re in the right place because…

You’re about to finally feel like you can relax into trusting that love will continuously be showered onto you.

And you’ll never have to question it or yourself again.

You’re about to wake up everyday knowing that your person wants to be there for you (and that person shows you in more ways than you could’ve ever asked for).

It’s time for you to experience the deep fulfillment of being the number one priority to the person you love (and yes, even yourself).

Okay, so how did I end up teaching Embodied Manifestation and helping 125,000+ expansive, beautiful humans manifest their desires through my YouTube channel?


It started with my own personal practice of learning to love myself and committing to the life I wanted to create.

I began to choose who I would be, regardless of what was happening in my outer world.

Meaning, I made a decision to be a high-value woman (it had nothing to do with how men saw me… it was how I decided to start seeing myself).

I also decided to actively love myself AND turn all the attention and energy that previously leaked out onto relationships… towards myself.

I started becoming the woman I most wanted to be.


I created this cozy, online space filled with tons of resources to help you manifest your own gorgeous, deeply aligned relationship OR anything you desire…

If you’re here for a ring on your finger, a satisfying, passion-filled love life, self love, financial freedom or something else entirely…

I’m here to help make that a reality for you.

You don’t have to figure this out on your own.

I’ll show you the path, by your side…
In absolute, step-by-step detail.

Here’s how we can manifest together and get started today…


Still want to dive deeper into Embodied Manifestation with me?


Explore my most popular manifestation courses covering how to manifest a specific person, how to manifest a new relationship, how to manifest self love and how to manifest money & wealth.

My free gifts are practical tools to help you find true self love, attract genuine relationships and increase your money & wealth. It’s all about making your dreams a reality, whether it’s finding someone who adores you or boosting your self-confidence and financial success. Dive in and start creating the life you’ve always wanted – full of love, laughter and real, achievable dreams.

Explore “Manifest with Shelly” on YouTube, where over 125K expansive, beautiful humans manifest their desires. With 900+ videos, you’ll discover a rich library of gentle, guided meditations created to help you attract love, relationships, beauty and abundance. From powerful sleep meditations to practical tips for those feeling stuck or eager to stop chasing, there’s something for every step of your manifesting journey.

Official Media Bio

Shelly Bullard is a Relationship Coach, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Wife, Girl Mom, World Traveler and a damn good manifesting teacher.

With over 20 million views on her YouTube channel and a dedicated following of over 125,000 subscribers, Shelly knows how to turn abstract manifesting concepts into actionable practices.

Shelly’s method is simple yet profound: who you become is what you will create in your life. Having journeyed from heartbreak in Bali to a life rich in love and joy, she doesn’t just inspire change – she’s a walking, talking example of it.

What makes Shelly’s embodied manifestation approach unique is her blend of empathy, softness, embodiment and practicality.

She’s helped over 125,000 people by guiding them to deeply understand and embody their desires and dreams. Her wisdom is rooted in real-life transformation, not just theory.

Shelly’s unique approach is grounded in her deep teaching that manifestation is more than desire-focused. It’s about becoming whole, fulfilled and embodying the version of yourself that has what you desire.

Her wisdom is not just spoken, it’s felt. It’s an embodiment of feminine energy, of a holistic and heart-centered way of living. With Shelly, manifesting isn’t about getting “the thing” – it’s about becoming the person who naturally attracts all they desire.

Shelly’s business, which she’s described as a ‘homemade lemonade stand’ reflects her authentic approach to entrepreneurship. Starting from passion and perseverance, it’s grown into a multimillion-dollar testament to her manifesting skills. But Shelly’s true success lies in her ability to demystify the esoteric, making manifesting practical and accessible around the world.

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