4 Practices That Will Increase Your Natural Attractive Energy

Attraction is the energy that draws people closer to us. Attraction creates desire, intrigue and deeper connections in relationships.

Attraction is your key to you feeling completely turned-on in your life.

And attraction is an energy that you can cultivate more of in yourself.

The reasons we'd want to become more attractive are pretty obvious: We all want to feel seen, known and loved by others. 

But what often gets overlooked when we talk about attraction is the fulfillment it brings to a person, regardless of the affect it has on other people.

That's because when you choose to become the most attractive version of yourself, you're signing-up to become the person you've always wanted to be. 

There’s nothing that feels better than claiming the truth of who you are - this is why the path of becoming highly attractive creates such intrigue in the people around you. 

So if you’re interested in becoming the most attractive version of yourself — whether it’s to increase your confidence or to enliven your relationships — the formula is always the same...

Here are four practices that are fundamental in creating highly attractive energy that will draw people in. By following these principles, not only will you start to glow with love from the inside-out, but you’ll also inspire people to feel highly drawn to you. Enjoy!

1. Know that attractive energy starts from within.

Contrary to popular belief, attraction has very little to do with your outward physicality. Instead it has everything to do with how you feel about yourself.

People we perceive as "naturally attractive" spend less time trying to create an appearance that fits a particular aesthetic, and more time cultivating an inner connection to who they are.

They understand that attractiveness is not about what they wear, but how they wear it; it’s not about what they do, but how they do it.

So what’s the “how” that makes the difference?

Simple: an authentic connection to yourself.

To be authentic, you have to know who you are and practice being this person out in the world. Unfortunately (and somewhat surprisingly), lot of people don’t take the time to get to know themselves! This automatically creates a disconnection… not only from yourself, but from others, too.

The good news is: inner connection really simple to do. I teach the exact process in my course, but you can start with an easy journal practice: writing down your thoughts and feelings to get to know what's happening inside of you.

Answer questions such as: Who am I? What do I want? What is important to me? From there, you’ll be on your way to knowing yourself in a deeper way.

By creating an inner connection to yourself, you’ll exude an energy of “being connected” which will always inspire others to want to connect with you, too.

2. Take self-love seriously. 

To be highly attractive to others, you must be highly attractive to yourself. In other words, you have to cultivate self-love.

Self-love can be difficult to describe because it’s not a concept… it’s an experience. What self-love feels like is being at home with yourself. Peaceful, fulfilled and genuinely appreciative of who you are.

Sounds easy enough, right? Well here’s where the problem comes in…

Many of us want others to be attracted to us because we don’t feel that great about ourselves. We think the answer to feeling good comes from someone showering us with love!

I can't emphasize this enough: how you feel about yourself is directly correlated with how others feel about you

To embody attractiveness, you have to care for yourself, love yourself and trust yourself. The best way to grow your self-love is through spiritual practice and meditation.- daily practices that connect you to the present moment will also connect you to the inherent goodness of your being.

3. Stop asking, "What's attractive to others?" and start asking, "What's attractive to me?"

There comes a point in most people’s lives when we decide to take a big leap — from trying to be what we think others want us to be, to finally being the people we want to become. The moment you make this leap, your attractive energy goes way up.

Remember, attractiveness always reflects how you feel about yourself. If you mold or change yourself for others, it means deep-down, you doubt that you’re actually worthy as you are. And if you doubt your worth, you can’t inspire strong feelings of attraction in other people.

By saying “F--- it, I'm going to be me!” you’re claiming yourself in a powerful way. You’re giving supreme importance to who you are and this, of course, commands respect from others. Self-possession makes others to want to take a stand for you, too.

4. Practice accepting all parts of yourself, including your insecurities.

A common misconception is that people who are highly attractive don’t have insecurities. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re human, it's natural to doubt yourself from time to time.

But what sets attractive people in apart in this arena is how they deal with their insecurities. Their process may come as a surprise you ...

People who are highly attractive don’t resist their insecurities, or condemn themselves for their flaws. Instead, they turn toward their insecurities and embrace them.

Now you might be asking, "Why does embracing your insecurities make people more attractive?"

Because claiming all parts of yourself — including the flaws and “unattractive” parts — is the ultimate act of self-love. By embracing all of who you are, you naturally inspire others to embrace all of you, too.

You can get started embracing your insecurities by speaking kindly to yourself whenever you get triggered. Like this: “Oh, my fear of abandonment is here again. I feel scared right now …”

By staying with yourself during your fears, they’ll dissolve quickly, and you’ll be more confident that you can handle anything that comes your way.

As I’m sure you recognized, the common theme running through this article is this: Being highly attractive to others starts with you becoming highly attractive to yourself. 

When you feel good about yourself — when you create an inner-connection, appreciate yourself, make your own path and embrace all of who you are — you will always inspire others to treat you with same quality of love, too. That’s what becoming highly attractive is all about.

Please leave a comment below telling us one shift you’re going to make to increase your natural attractive energy. I look forward to hearing from you!