Why Money is Spiritual

A common, limiting belief held by many people is that money and spirituality don't mix.

Money is bad. If you're spiritual, you shouldn't want wealth.

Luckily for all of us, this is far from true. In fact, I've found that when money is consciously created and used, it mixes very well with spirituality (thank you very much).

The reason this is an important conversation to have is because if we feel that money is bad (even slightly), we'll have a hard time creating financial abundance in this lifetime.

We'll secretly feel like we should keep money at a distance.

We'll experience guilt when we do make money.

And we'll never be able to be at peace on the subject of money.

This is no way to live! And it's definitely not spiritual.

In this article, I'll give you four examples of why wealth and spirituality are highly-compatible. By understanding that money and spirituality compliment one another, you'll open the gates to attract more money into your life.

1) Your Soul is Infinitely Abundant.

As a spiritual being, you're automatically and completely abundant. In other words, your spirit is wealthy! And because you are your spirit, you're inherently wealthy, too.

Your Spirit is the truest aspect of who you are - it is Love, Peace, Truth, Fulfillment, and Bliss. Do you think this part of us is also identified with being poor?

No! It's the ego - or the small sense of self - that feels limited (financially, and otherwise).

A spiritual life is synonymous with an abundant life. When we're identified as being Abundant within, we create abundance in the form of money and wealth in the outside world.

2) Spirituality is about expansion, and so is money.

Your soul wants to expand and grow; it does this by having many life experiences. Money is a tool that allows you to live full life!

Does this mean that money makes everything perfect? No.

Does it mean that money is your source of happiness? Absolutely not.

It simply means is that money is a tool that will help you have the life experiences you want to have.

Money is not the answer to everything, but it's not useless either. Financial resources give you the opportunity to have many life experiences. The growth that occurs as a result of those experiences is completely aligned to a spiritual life.

3) Money is energetically neutral; it's the energy behind it that counts.

Money itself isn't good or bad. It's paper - it's not consciously making decisions on it's own. Therefore, it's neutral. It's the energy that we choose to use money with that determines whether it feels "good" or "bad."

Money that's made at the expense of others feels tainted because it's energetically used in an ego-centric, selfish way.

Money that's made in a way that serves people feels good because it's energetically used in a positive, loving way.

If your personal actions with money are responsible and kind, then that's exactly what the money becomes. It's an extension of your energy, so the way you choose to use money is ultimately what determines the vibration it carries.

4) Imagine a world where the majority of money is in conscious hands.

I once heard a well-known yoga teacher say that as spiritual people, we should prioritize creating financial abundance. "After all," she said, "imagine what the world would be like if the majority of money was in conscious hands?"

This concept was profound to me! What if the majority of money in this world was used in life-preserving ways? Can imagine what that would be like?!

While there are many examples of people who use money in non-spiritual ways, there are also countless examples of people and companies that use their wealth to help the world. Famous philanthropists who come to mind are Bill and Melinda Gates, Oprah, Angelina Jolie and Bono, to name a few.

When you have money, you have the resources to reach out and help many, many people. On a fundamental level, this is what spirituality is all about.

We need to remember that money itself is not good or bad; it's merely a tool that we're using in this lifetime. If you use money in a way that enhances your own life and lives of others, then a powerful, spiritual tool is exactly what money will be.

In the comments below, please tell us what you think about money and spirituality complimenting one another. We look forward to hearing from you!