Why Your Past is the Key to You Manifesting Money

We create our realities from the inside-out. This means your predominant thoughts, feelings, and beliefs (often referred to as vibrations) create your experiences in the outside world. Because of this, your beliefs about money create your reality with money. And most of those beliefs were formed in your past.

In this article, I'll discuss why it's crucial for you to understand your past… so you can move beyond the beliefs that are blocking you from wealth, and form new beliefs that will automatically attract abundance to you.

To give you a full picture of what's going on, I'll start at the beginning. When you were born, you were a blank slate. Newborn babies don't have beliefs systems - they don't think twice about skin color, religion, politics or money. 

Even though this is true, you were born into a family that did have beliefs systems. Anyone who's been alive for a significant amount of time has developed their own thoughts and feelings about how the world works.

Money is a significant part of life, so your family definitely had their own ingrained beliefs about money. And it's likely their beliefs weren't so good.

Money is a subject that most people feel a ton of fear about.

We're constantly in a state of lack, scarcity, powerlessness, and anxiety when it comes to money. We grow up in households that are infused with fear about money, so we become infused with fear about money.

Whatever the predominant vibration your family had about money automatically became your vibration with money. Their fears became your fears. And this is how your beliefs were formed.

Now, before I go further, I want you to know that this isn't actually a problem. It's all part of the great design of life.

You are here to personally evolve - to grow beyond the limiting beliefs of your past. This process is easier than you think - it's all about becoming conscious of your old programing and intentionally creating a new belief system. In the next part of this article, I'll show you exactly how.

Below are 4 steps that will guide you to move beyond your past conditioning with money, so you can create a new, abundant belief system and reality.

Step 1: Examine the core fears your family had about money.

What did you witness in your household in regard to money? 

What things did your parents say about money and wealth? 

How did your parents feel about money? 

By answering the three questions above, you'll uncover some of the fearful "vibes" your family held about money. This simple exercise will expose your own baseline-vibration when it comes to money, which is key to moving into a new reality.

Step 2: Reflect on how you think, feel and act in a similar way as your family. 

Now that you've discovered some of the fearful-beliefs you were exposed to, it's time for you to examine how you're currently living as if these beliefs are true.

For example, did you hear things like, "Honey, we can't afford that."? If so, do you find yourself saying similar things today?

Was your family resentful of wealthy people, convincing you that money was bad? If so, how do you feel about wealth and money today?

Did your parents fight about money, instilling a fear that money causes problems in relationships? Is this something you fear today?

By uncovering how you're playing out old beliefs, you bring awareness to your current thoughts and feelings about money. Awareness is the key to you changing your reality.

Step 3: Ask yourself if it's possible that another reality exists? 

This step is about actively choosing to believe in a new reality.

The truth is, infinite possibilities exist. You don't have to relate to money the same way your parents did. You can choose differently.

Now that you're conscious of your conditioning, you'll recognize these fears when they arise. This can feel uncomfortable at first, but trust me… it's a good thing. Because when you catch yourself playing out old patterns, you can make a choice to act and think differently. You do this by asking yourself, "Is it possible that other options exist?"

For example, "Is it possible for me not to feel scarcity in this situation?" 

"Is it possible for me to trust that I have enough money and believe I don't need to feel anxious right now?"

"Is it possible that is this is limiting belief?"

By tapping into the reality that other possibilities exist, your fears no longer have a hold over you. You - the witness - begin making choices. At this point, your fears start to loosen their grip.

Step 4: Reinforce your new belief system.

Once you get into the habit of opening up to new ways of thinking and feeling about money, your internal wealth vibration will start to shift. When that happens, your reality with money will shift automatically.

The more you practice a vibrant, wealthy, empowered vibration about money, the more this will become your reality. Viola! Personal evolution at it's finest. 

You do not have to be defined by the beliefs you developed long ago; they are simply challenges for you to evolve beyond. By choosing to create a new beliefs about money, you'll create a whole new reality with money. And that's what you're here to do.