: 23 June 2012

How to Be Your Sexiest Self

Sexiness is abundant. Confident. Comfortable in your own skin. Glowing. Beautiful. Full.

A fully-embodied woman—a woman who knows who she is, is complete and connected, smiles often, laughs, is kind, glides. There are few things in the world that are sexier than this. A man who is confident, embodied, knows who he is, powerful, purposeful, graceful—yep, that’s the good stuff.

When you are SOUL FULL and abundant, you have a presence. People notice you and sense your energy. They want to be around you. They are attracted to you. SOUL is genuinely the most attractive quality there it. You become a magnet.

There is another interesting thing that occurs when you are SOUL FULL sexy. It isn’t that important to you that others are attracted to you. I mean, it is in the sense that you enjoy being with them, and their love feeds your love and vice versa. But what I’m talking about is you are not dependent on people being attracted to you. You are already complete. You are not looking for acceptance from the outside—from other people or society—to fill you up. You are already full.

Ego-sexy has a very different quality. In ego-appeal, you are trying to fit a mold of what you believe others want. Already, this is implying that you, as yourself, as the beautiful, sexy, amazing, full person that you are, are not enough.

We witness this all over the place in our society. So much money is spent trying to change, alter, and “improve” your appearance—hoping to acquire that look that will elevate you to the highest level of sexiness, appeal, and completion. It’s the ego’s game of telling you that you are not enough, not complete, and that you need a little work. “Soon you’ll get there. Once you buy those shoes or lose that weight or get that look…” The self-defeating commentary goes on and on. It never stops. There is no destination with this story. It is an endless sense of incompleteness that is striving for a sense of completion, worthiness, attractiveness, and sexiness.

Stop the ego craziness and start the Soul sexiness!

Start looking for your true sex-appeal from within. When you begin embracing your beauty from the inside-out (I know it always sounds so cliché, but this is the real deal!) you begin to shine. Feel the fullness of your heart. Feel how pure and magnificent it is. It is a representation of you. You—your body, your looks, your essence—is that beautiful. There is nothing more beautiful and sexy than the love you feel and give generously to others.

If you chase sexiness from the outside you are always going to fail. This is the ego’s trick. If you are seeking the answer to happiness outside of you, you are set up for a major disappointment. This includes chasing a perfect body. You are never going to acquire the body you want by molding it from the outside. Sure, you can reach a beautifully sculpted form with lots of will-power—going to the gym daily and regulating your diet. And it may even been a loving attempt to get into shape. However, if you think that you are going to feel complete once you’ve “completed” your outer form, you are misinformed. Because we never get complete from the outside-in. You are chasing an illusion.

Practice loving yourself just as you are. Send your body and your face and your style some good, good, delicious, yummy, hot vibes. Meditate on how beautiful your heart is and imagine that beauty encompassing all of you. Start believing you are beautiful. You must. Because it is TRUE! If you don’t, you will never, ever feel like you are. There is no one on the planet that looks exactly like you. No one that has quite your essence. It would be a shame for you to be missed. For the real you to be covered up in all that stuff that you think others want of you.

We want YOU. The real, sexy you. Let your real appeal out of the bag–show the world who you really are and watch magic happen.

Before you dive any deeper...

Hi, I’m Shelly!

I’m a relationship coach, licensed marriage & family therapist, wife, girl mom, world traveler and… a damn good manifesting teacher.

On any random Saturday, you could find me hiking in the Redwoods with my family during the day AND relaxing to all songs on 🎶the foggy jazz🎶 station on Spotify in the evening with my man…

I’ve helped 125,000+ expansive, beautiful humans manifest their desires through my YouTube channel.

Over the last decade, I transformed my love life… I went from feeling terrified that I may never find love or have a family of my own to manifesting marriage, my baby, our dream home, and so much more. Now, I want to help you do the same.

Hey love! Let’s manifest love, relationships & wealth together.

You with me?

Tired of the same old inbox experience? Think of me as your manifestation big sister, here to guide and inspire you in relentlessly claiming your beautiful desires. I’m here to deliver a blend of affirmations, meditations, visualizations, real-life love stories and practical manifestation tools right into your inbox.






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