: 12 February 2017

The Right Way to Use the LOA to Manifest Love

Want to learn the right way to use the Law of Attraction to manifest love?
The thing is, using the LOA doesn’t have to be that difficult. Truly, it’s easier than you think.

In the short video below, I map out the 3 essential steps you need to take to prime yourself to manifest great love into your life. Click the video below to find out how.




Please leave a comment below telling us what steps you’re going to take from the video to manifest amazing love into your life. We look forward to hearing from you!

With deep love,



  1. duygu on February 13, 2017 at 2:30 pm

    ı love youuuuuu

    • Shelly Bullard on May 23, 2017 at 6:01 am

      Thank you!!

  2. Ibrahim Elsaid on February 15, 2017 at 7:29 pm

    yes I read a lot of books about law of attraction, and how to attract your perfect partner into your life, like the “Secret ” books!, but what I always remember from these books, and I keep doing it for long time is,to imagine your partner, her look her hair, her eyes and draw her picture and you’ll attract the image that you created in your mind! So that’s what I kept focusing on long time! Until I see your video, you make me feel it more, by focusing more on how my partner are not only how she looks.
    To focus more on how she feels like!
    I think I’ve been focusing more on how she looks like more than she feels like, but you know through start doing this i started to know myself, I start to know who really I am!
    So that’s mean soon I’ll meet my perfect partner ☺

    • Shelly Bullard on May 23, 2017 at 6:01 am

      Yes… focus on what you’re partner FEELS LIKE! That’s it!

  3. donna on February 16, 2017 at 7:59 pm

    Shelly thank you so much ,I really enjoy your videos, Can relate to the limiting beliefs you talked about, I have carried them around since early childhood, was abandoned at a young age.Am always afraid of being rejected, all the time. I like this man, being dating him, but i can see where I need to start here with me/myself connecting with my true self , and having loving thoughts and beliefs.Your words of wisdom = healthy knowledge
    Thank you Sooo Much

    • Shelly Bullard on May 23, 2017 at 6:00 am

      You’re welcome, donna. xo

  4. Natalie on March 11, 2017 at 11:12 am

    Hi shelly, dnt know where to start really. I’m falling for an unavailable man at a the moment . I’ve always bn attracted to unavailable men all.my life but have nvr acted upon it really. I’m desperate for change but don’t know where to start. I keep.going from 1 waste of time to another. Making me feel like shit basically. I’m always needing an instant fix and dnt know why. I dint know if it’s the relationship ship.I had with my father , step dad was abusive. I dnt have a problem meeting new people but definately seem to attract all the wrong ones. Help!!!! Would love to hear ur thoughts on wot the hell s going on in my life x

    • Shelly Bullard on May 23, 2017 at 5:57 am

      You need to learn to be with yourself first. Once you truly find Love within yourself, finding love in relationships becomes easy and natural. But you can’t skip finding love within yourself first.

  5. Eric Keller on March 18, 2017 at 6:58 pm

    Finding and learning to love has been one of the main motives of my life. For a long time, I’ve looked around and I have explored different avenues. It hasn’t been easy.
    Not more than a week ago, I had finally crystallized an answer. It was: devotion and a full and deep investment of love. Now I watch your video and that is exactly what you say: devotion and love.

    You say it so well. Your voice is calm and kind, and you’re speaking from your heart. What you say is so true and so important.

    This message should go out to every one who seeks to understand and live love, from teenagers to grandparents. It would do a lot of good all around.

    Thank you, Shelly.

    • Shelly Bullard on May 23, 2017 at 5:53 am

      Thank you so much, Eric. That is so beautiful – it touches me deeply.

Before you dive any deeper...

Hi, I’m Shelly!

I’m a relationship coach, licensed marriage & family therapist, wife, girl mom, world traveler and… a damn good manifesting teacher.

On any random Saturday, you could find me hiking in the Redwoods with my family during the day AND relaxing to all songs on 🎶the foggy jazz🎶 station on Spotify in the evening with my man…

I’ve helped 125,000+ expansive, beautiful humans manifest their desires through my YouTube channel.

Over the last decade, I transformed my love life… I went from feeling terrified that I may never find love or have a family of my own to manifesting marriage, my baby, our dream home, and so much more. Now, I want to help you do the same.

Hey love! Let’s manifest love, relationships & wealth together.

You with me?

Tired of the same old inbox experience? Think of me as your manifestation big sister, here to guide and inspire you in relentlessly claiming your beautiful desires. I’m here to deliver a blend of affirmations, meditations, visualizations, real-life love stories and practical manifestation tools right into your inbox.






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